The Blog

More walks in and around Grasmere

4/5.12.13Walking with; Nobody I’d only been in Grasmere a couple of weeks earlier, but the great deals the YHA are currently offering on accommodation meant I could get a room to myself for roughly the price of a dorm bed. Butharlyp House (Butterlip is the pronunciation apparently) is an excellent hostel, well appointed, attractive and

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Come walk with me calendar

After the success of last years calendar we now have the 2014 one ready for distribution. The calendar showcases the best Come walk with me photos from the last 12 months and covers walks from areas as diverse as the Peak District and the Cuban Sierra Maestra. The calendars retail for £11 for the A4

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Walking on Bleaklow

28.11.13Walking with; Nobody Bleaklow can be an intimidating hill, a vast expanse of peat, groughs, bogs and moorland often enveloped in low cloud, it’s the kind of place where an overactive imagination could conjure up all manner of ghostly encounters. There are rumoured to be spirits of Roman legionnaires haunting the Pennine Way and the

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A night walk and a day walk from Borrowdale YHA

23/24.11.13Walking with; Rob I only ever seem to visit Borrowdale in the cold. Last year I had one of my best, if snowiest walks, there and when I arrived this weekend, full of fish and chips from “The Old Keswickian” I could see a dusting of snow across some of the higher tops. I had

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Easedale Tarn and Helm Crag from Grasmere

13.11.13Walking with; Al After the sultry Caribbean heat of Cuba, a chilly Wednesday in November was just the short of re-introduction to the Lake District I needed….(honestly…). Al was finally free of weddings, honeymoons and DIY and we got an early start and arrived in Grasmere before 9am. In fact, we were too early, I

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Easedale Tarn and Helm Crag from Grasmere

13.11.13Walking with; Al After the sultry Caribbean heat of Cuba, a chilly Wednesday in November was just the short of re-introduction to the Lake District I needed….(honestly…). Al was finally free of weddings, honeymoons and DIY and we got an early start and arrived in Grasmere before 9am. In fact, we were too early, I

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A walk around the Lakes by Hunter Davies

Despite being born in Scotland Hunter Davies is a Lakeland man through and through, he moved to Carlisle at the age of 11 and in addition to this wide ranging view of the Lake District he has also written a biography of the one and only Alfred Wainwright. He has a Summer home near Loweswater

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Walking in Cuba- The Sierra Maestra, Toa River and El Cubano

28.10,1.11 and 4.11.13Walking with; Ruthy, Jonathan, Jonathan, Ruaridh, Virginie, Caroline, Jane, Janice, Paul, Ann, Trev, Liz, Stuart, Jorge, Philly, Bev  Before this trip when I thought about Cuba the first things that sprung to mind were Salsa dancing, rum, American cars and cigars, walking wasn’t near the top of the list, luckily I am now

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Well, I was hoping to get out for a walk today, but I am feeling a bit under the weather, and I am off to Cuba on Thursday and there is plenty of packing to be done. Not sure if there’ll be much walking on the island of Castro and Che, think it might be

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The Snake Path, Hayfield and Win Hill, Hope

10 and 16.10.13Walking with; Nobody Well after the highs and lows and mizzle and drizzle of Galloway I decided a couple of gentler routes with some more micro-nav thrown in was just what the Doctor ordered. The Snake Path runs out of Hayfield and was created in 1897 by the newly formed Peak and Northern

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