The Blog

Bradshaw to The Strawbury Duck for Sunday lunch (and back again!)

18.8.13Walking with; Ruthy, Paul, Jen, Emily and Kate There can be few better ways to spend a Sunday than a gentle stroll in the Summer sunshine to a country pub with a bunch of good friends. I knew nothing of this area before yesterday, my experiences of the Bolton area being confined to playing various

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Kate, my photo genius friend, has been working on a couple of photos for me and come up with these results, I think you’ll agree they are very impressive! Check out her website at

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Food for free

Foraging is fashionable right now. Michelin starred chefs such as Simon Rogan at “L’Enclume” and Tom Kitchin serve their high end dishes with foraged foods and charge through the nose for it, which, to my mind, represents the antithesis of what “wild” food should be about. Those of us who walk and who explore our

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Honister, Great Langdale and points in between

6-8/8/13Walking with; Nobody/Nathan  Not being in possession of either children or gainful employment I’d kind of forgotten how the Summer holidays affect the Lake District. There are hills best avoided under these conditions and yet I’d already planned a roughish selection of wanderings to occupy me over three days and I was loathe to stray

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The Old Ways by Robert MacFarlane

“Much has been written of travel, far less of the road” Edward Thomas-The Icknield Way 1913 I have recently finished reading The Old Ways by Robert MacFarlane. It is quite simply, a stunning book and one that should be on the bookshelf of every walker and outdoor enthusiast. In the book the author sets out

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The Peak Forest canal and navigation lessons near Strines

24/25.7.13Walking with (and being taught by); Neil Two very varied days, one a very gentle meander from Disley to Furness Vale along the Peak Forest canal followed by a fascinating and informative day of navigation training with Neil from Peak Mountaineering on the moors above Strines.I left the attractive centre of Disley and was soon

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Social media

Hi folks, just a quick reminder about Come walk with me’s other social media presences……We have a page on Facebook which can be found by searching under Come walk with me uk and showcases all our full albums of photos. We also have a twitter feed on @cwwmuk ! Be great to get some joins

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A Snowdon wild camping trip

8/9/10.7.13Walking with; Nathan and Tim What better to way to break another illness enforced lay off than a three day/two night wild camping expedition in the heart of Snowdonia. The scorching forecast proved to be accurate and there was plenty of blood, sweat and tears, but, more importantly, some stunning views, fewer than expected people

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A Snowdon wild camping trip

8/9/10.7.13Walking with; Nathan and Tim What better to way to break another illness enforced lay off than a three day/two night wild camping expedition in the heart of Snowdonia. The scorching forecast proved to be accurate and there was plenty of blood, sweat and tears, but, more importantly, some stunning views, fewer than expected people

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