Category: Cantilever Stone

Come walk with me UK’s 100th post!

Wow! 100 posts, who’d have thought I would have got this far 🙂 Having reached this landmark I thought it might be appropriate to look back on the blog thus far and pick out a few highlights!  Pool between Moel Hebog and Moel Yr Ogof- July 2013 Sprinkling Tarn- August 2013 Langdale Pikes- June 2013

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Tryfan and the Glyders

29.10.12Walking with; Al A last warm up walk before heading off on my Mountain Leader Training course and what a cracking day it proved to be. Tryfan is one of those iconic mountains that really look the part, the Matterhornesque summit of the type that kids sketch when asked to draw a mountain. Tryfan is

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