Category: Cheshire walks

2023 with Come walk with me UK

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here at Come walk with me UK we hope that 2023 has started with a bang and that the plans you have for the New Year (we don’t call them resolutions anymore) are pointing towards an exciting and productive twelve months. We are really looking forward to a busy time after a

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A wander from The Cat and Fiddle

24.11.15 Walking with; Nobody “The Cat and Fiddle” is one of those iconic Peak District pubs perched on the bleak moorland above Macclesfield. It can be a wild spot in the Winter and the road that it sits alongside is usually one of the first closed by snow when it hits this part of the

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Autumn colours in Cheshire

Link to the full album on Facebook 5.11.15 Walking with; Nobody Is there anything better or more quintessentially English than an Autumn stroll? The amazing palette of colours, the crisp air, conkers and the berries on the trees and hedgerows, much as I love the mountains sometimes a stroll through rural England is the equal

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First walk of 2015

6.1.15 Walking with; Nobody The Gritstone Path is a 35 mile footpath that winds its way from Tegg’s Nose, just outside Macclesfield to Kidsgrove and crosses some of Cheshire’s most spectacular countryside. Over the last year or two I have covered various sections of it and on a blustery and wet Tuesday morning I used

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A Canalside walk from Marple Bridge

10.5.14Walking with; Ruthy and Rach   Sometimes in this world of highest, longest, fastest and furthest where the walking blogosphere is filled with tales of derring-do as packs are hefted across the wilds of Scotland, one forgets about the simple pleasures afforded by a gentle stroll amongst the plants and birdlife of Spring. Sometimes, simply

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Prestbury to Hare Hill via Mottram

12.6.13Walking with; Nobody The agricultural fields of Cheshire have not always been happy walking grounds over the years or but they are convenient and require little in the way of preparation a day in the hills needs. So it was I found myself parking in amongst the palatial mansions and expensive cars of the residents

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