Category: Come walk with me blog

2016. The year in review.

The blog has been somewhat neglected of late, a combination of a quieter time of year and a change in my personal circumstances. However, New Year’s Eve is probably the most apt time to reflect on what has been another fantastic and varied year here at Come walk with me UK. The very fact that

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NCS residential with Carnegie Great Outdoors at Ingleborough Hall

22.10.16-26.10.16 The National Citizen Service (NCS) is a government funded programme of positive activities for young people aged 16 and 17. The programme includes an adventurous activities residential and it was this that took me to Ingleborough Hall where CGO were working with two cohorts from the North East. Ingleborough Hall was built in the

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A round up of busy times

As we come towards the end of our season here at Come walk with me we remain busy and are starting to look ahead to next year. It’s been a busy week or two starting with another Entrust Base Camp in Mansfield at Brambles school. In addition to campcraft, firelighting, shelter building and trust games

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Another busy week

26.9-1.10.16 The season is slowly coming to an end but here at Come walk with me we are still staying busy with a wide range of different activities. We started the week down in Mansfield at Sutton Road Primary School where we were helping to deliver an Entrust Base Camp programme in the school grounds!

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D of E assessment with Ormiston College

17-18.9.16 Walking with; Ormiston College Team 3 Whilst I can quite confidently say I know the rugged, wild Dark Peak like the back of my hand I have been a little guilty of neglecting the White Peak, it’s gentler, more bucolic cousin. So, when Entrust booked me in to supervise Team 3 on this Bronze

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Pen Y Fan with the team from the QE2 Centre

14.9.16 Walking with; Team Q Full album on Facebook The QE2 centre in Hampshire is an activity provider for adults with physical and learning disabilities and Team Q were visiting the Brecon Beacons on a short residential break and had decided to take on Pen Y Fan as the final challenge of their trip. At

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Snowdon with Max Ad and TLC

Full album on Facebook 11.9.16 Walking with; Team TLC I read once that Snowdon is the second most ascended mountain in the world and on a Sunday morning the carpark at Pen Y Pass can certainly have the feel of Piccadilly Circus about it as fleets of minibuses disgorge crowds of walkers in various states

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TrekFest, The Peaks 2016

2-4.9.16 Walking with; the 25km and 100km walkers TrekFest is probably my favourite mass participation event and for the Peak District one this year there were over 600 registered participants. The base camp for the event was on the playing fields of Hope College and from there the four different routes covering 25,50,75 and 100

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Another catch up

The blog has been somewhat neglected of late, but here is a quick update on what we have been up to during August and since I returned from Peru. September is looking like a busy month so we will do our best to keep the website up to speed. The start of the month saw

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Busy times, a catch up!

Full album on Facebook Life here at Come walk with me has been super busy of late and as I am heading off to Peru with Camps International and Beauchamp College this Friday I have decided to amalgamate the last week and a half into a single blog! It’s a great example to show the

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