Category: Come walk with me

South Wales wanderings

7/8.5.13Walking with; Ruthy Some of my earliest walking memories are of family outings to the Brecon Beacons where my Grandparents lived (and Grandmother still does). The names are evocative to me; The Sugar Loaf, The Table Mountain, The Blorenge and in my mind they have grown into epic mountain days, and so it was, that

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Kinder in Spring

23.4.13Walking with; Nobody After the trials and tribulations of a windswept Lake District last week it felt good to be back on familiar ground and to, maybe, just maybe, see Spring finally beginning to stir. Kinder is my “go to” hill, close enough to have a long day out and sleep in my own bed,

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A wet, wild and windy Lakeland trip

15/16/17.4.13Walking with; Nobody Illness had followed injury and I was itching to get out again and try the knee on something other than the grey, rain slick pavements of South Manchester. In my excitement I decided to dig out the tent and make it the first night under “canvas” of the year……..hmmmmm, perhaps a more

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Aira Force and Dockray

31.3.13Walking with; Rich After a couple of weeks of indolence as a result of a rugby obtained knee injury it felt good to be out and about even on the gentlest of ambles. I was in the Lakes on a stag do staying at the fantastically appointed Blencathra Centre, in the shadow of the eponymous

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Higger Tor and Carl Wark

12.3.13Walking with; Nobody The skies were blue and the air crisp and I decided that such a day was not to be wasted in Manchester so, amidst the flurries of snow, headed off to do this walk which had been on my list for the past couple of weeks. As I headed towards Sheffield the

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Natural wonders of Yorkshire

7.3.13Walking with; Nobody I have been fortunate during my walking to visit some of the most spectacular parts of the world. The Northern Territory in Australia, the National Parks of Utah, the Southern Alps in New Zealand, some of the finest scenery in the world, but every now and then I come across a place

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Up or Down?

Instead of spending a week walking up mountains I shall be strapping a couple of planks to my feet and sliding down them, mostly in some kind of control! Have a good week!

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A Grasmere overnighter

14/15.2.13Walking with; Nobody Last time I stopped in Grasmere was a couple of years ago on my Coast to Coast walk and my impression of the village was of a shrine to Wordsworth that lacked a decent Lakeland pub. I’d stayed in the Thorney How Hostel which at that time was owned by the YHA but

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First Lakeland trip of 2013

6/7.2.13Walking with; Nobody The Lake District in the snow is just about the best place to be in England so after a Monday snowfall I decided to head up there for an overnight trip staying at the Windermere YHA on the Troutbeck Road ( . I got up there not long before lunch on the

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Rushup Edge to Hayfield

3.2.13Walking with; Ruth, Emily and Roz Some of the more observant amongst you may have noticed that whilst the blog is called Come walk with me, for many of my wanderings, I tend to wander alone! This is partially as a result of me generally walking during the week when other people are working and

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