Category: Come walk with me

3 Staffordshire Hills

1.2.13Walking with; Nobody Sometimes in the hill walking community we naturally assume bigger is better, but that isn’t always the case. As the husband of a wife who measures in at a less than towering 5 ft 2 and as a fan of the brand of wing wizadry Shane Williams bought to the Welsh rugby

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Walking with; Nobody28.01.13 When I think of the Dark Peak, I tend to think about the “Big three”, Kinder, Bleaklow and Crowden/Black Hill, but I do seem to neglect the latter. It doesn’t have the mystery of Bleaklow with it’s low hanging fog and aircraft wrecks (although it does have a few up there) or the history

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Fernilee Reservoir

22.01.13Walking with; Nobody Snow seems to divide the nation, one half turning into big kids and the other into whingers and moaners, perhaps the divide is based on whether you have to go to work in it, because spending a day wandering through the Peak District in the snow is, quite frankly, one of the

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Kinder plateau in the snow

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A Snowy Peak District Double

14/15.01.13Walking with; Nobody Tomorrow is my 40th birthday and I’d hoped to fit something special in as a prelude to this momentous landmark, luckily the weather seemed to be on my side and I had two fantastic days in the Peak District with snow lying thick on the ground and barely a soul to be

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White Nancy, Rainow and The Gritstone Trail

3.1.13Walking with; Nobody There are some days when it dawns on you about half way round your chosen walk that you’d be better off nestled in front of a log fire in a cosy pub (such as The Vale in Bollington) with a pint and a good book, rather than slogging through shin deep mud

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On top of Cheshire

18.12.12Walking with; Nobody The forecast for this week showed Tuesday as being the only rain free day, so bearing that in mind I decided to have a crack at Shining Tor which had long been on my list of “I’ll get round to doing that one day……..”hills. At 559m it is the highest point in

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Borrowdale……and snow!

4/5.12.12Walking with; Nobody Wainwright is allegedly described Borrowdale as “the loveliest square mile in the Lake District”, it is also the wettest in terms of annual rainfall with the hamlet of Seathwaite taking the honours and receiving around 3.15 metres of rain a year! So, I couldn’t really be surprised as I pulled into the

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A Canalside amble

15.11.12Walking with; Nobody A combination of family weddings and man flu have meant not much in the way of walking lately and, on the rare occasion I’ve been free, not a great deal of energy to climb tall, pointy things. The beauty of walking however is, of course, you can do it anywhere, and there

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Tryfan and the Glyders

29.10.12Walking with; Al A last warm up walk before heading off on my Mountain Leader Training course and what a cracking day it proved to be. Tryfan is one of those iconic mountains that really look the part, the Matterhornesque summit of the type that kids sketch when asked to draw a mountain. Tryfan is

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