Category: country pubs

A walk from Lizard Point to Mullion Cove

5.5.16 Walking with; Ruthy, Jay and Iona I like to visit extremities, Northernmosts, Southernmosts, Highests and Lowests, something about them appeals to the collector in me. This was my first trip to Cornwall and I’d already decided it was a great spot for bagging a few for my British collection and getting a few coastal

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The pubs of Ambleside

With the massive emphasis on supporting Lake District businesses in the wake of the terrible floods I thought I should do my bit and when I was up in Ambleside a few weeks ago and spread the love to as many Ambleside pubs as possible. Whilst there are a plethora of hostelries in one of

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A circuit of the Derwent and Howden reservoirs

Full album on Facebook 7.1.16 Waking with; Nathan Nathan has been a longstanding friend of Come walk with me as we met when we were both working towards our Mountain Leader qualifications. We have had some excellent outings in the Lake District, Wales and Scotland but on this occasion we decided to stay local and

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Two Ambleside walks

15-16.12.15 Walking with; Nobody Ambleside is one of the great destinations of the Lake District, a town that sits at the end of Windermere, England’s longest lake, and has more Outdoor shops, tearooms and pubs than you can shake a stick at. It can sometimes be the victim of it’s own popularity and that can

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A wander from The Cat and Fiddle

24.11.15 Walking with; Nobody “The Cat and Fiddle” is one of those iconic Peak District pubs perched on the bleak moorland above Macclesfield. It can be a wild spot in the Winter and the road that it sits alongside is usually one of the first closed by snow when it hits this part of the

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A circular walk from Hathersage to Bretton and Abney Grange

Link to the full album on Facebook 16.11.15 Walking with; Nobody   I’ve not spent as much time around Hathersage as I have in Edale and Hope so with a few spare days this week I thought I would head out that way and have an explore. I had to drop Mrs H off at

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Two Oxfordshire walks

16/17.9.14 Walking with; Nobody Oxfordshire is not known for it’s hills. White Horse Hill, the highest point in the county comes in at 261 metres, not even as high as The Shard, and yet for all that there is some very pleasant walking to be had. In a week when national identity is high on

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Baslow-Chatsworth House-Edensor-Hassop and Bank Wood

25.6.14Walking with; Nobody    Over the years I have acquired a fair number of different walking books describing routes for many different parts of the country. In recent times I have mostly devised my own routes and derived great pleasure from it, but once in a while I find myself thinking “Why bother inventing the

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Bradshaw to The Strawbury Duck for Sunday lunch (and back again!)

18.8.13Walking with; Ruthy, Paul, Jen, Emily and Kate There can be few better ways to spend a Sunday than a gentle stroll in the Summer sunshine to a country pub with a bunch of good friends. I knew nothing of this area before yesterday, my experiences of the Bolton area being confined to playing various

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Aira Force and Dockray

31.3.13Walking with; Rich After a couple of weeks of indolence as a result of a rugby obtained knee injury it felt good to be out and about even on the gentlest of ambles. I was in the Lakes on a stag do staying at the fantastically appointed Blencathra Centre, in the shadow of the eponymous

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