Category: Gordale scar

It’s been a while…….

The blog has been shamefully neglected for two main reasons of late. The first is that we have been wonderfully, spectacularly busy showing people the fantastic outdoor experiences that the UK has to offer. The second, more shamefully, involved a cup of hot coffee, my computer and a wrinkle in my rug…..anyway, I am heading

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Busy, busy, busy

It’s been a while since I last updated the blog and whilst I feel a bit remiss, the reason is basically because we are having our busiest ever season here and there’s barely been time to pop home and get the washing done over the last few weeks! Not that I’m complaining….There has been a

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Natural wonders of Yorkshire

7.3.13Walking with; Nobody I have been fortunate during my walking to visit some of the most spectacular parts of the world. The Northern Territory in Australia, the National Parks of Utah, the Southern Alps in New Zealand, some of the finest scenery in the world, but every now and then I come across a place

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