Category: Lakes

A Langdale Round involving lots of Pikes and Stickles

4.10.12Walking with; Nobody Definition of PIKE dialect English : a mountain or hill having a peaked summit —used especially in place names Origin of PIKE Middle English, perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Norwegian dialect pīk pointed mountain First Known Use: 13th century As I sat in Windermere Youth Hostel trying to drown out the

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6/7.8.12Walking with; Nobody The Lake District in Summer can be a pretty horrendous place, Bowness can be akin to Blackpool and on my drive up both Ambleside and Keswick were too hectic to even consider stopping. I eventually found a spot of lunch in Cockermouth and can heartily recommend “Main Street Fisheries” for an excellent

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Blencathra via Scales Tarn

18.1.12 Walking with; Al My last walk before the knee operation so wanted to make it a good one, and where better than The Lake District. At 868m, Blencathra is a top 20 Lakes Peak, but as far as the Northern Fells go it is second only to Skiddaw and affords magnificent views in all

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