Category: rural Sussex

The D of E season is in full swing!!

Walking with; Highgate School, Thistly Hough School and Dulwich College Well, it’s taken a while to get the blog back up and running this season but as we’ve been so busy it’s for all the right reasons!! The season has started with a lot of work on the Duke of Edinburgh awards and so far

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Another catch up

The blog has been somewhat neglected of late, but here is a quick update on what we have been up to during August and since I returned from Peru. September is looking like a busy month so we will do our best to keep the website up to speed. The start of the month saw

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A birding ramble around Rye Harbour

27.10.14 Walking with; My Dad (Keith)   No visit down South to the places that still resonate as home twenty plus years after I left them is complete without a fish and chip lunch, a pint of local bitter and a wander around Rye Harbour with the old man! It’s the outdoors equivalent of a

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The return ofthe errant photos-1066 country wanderings

I’ve found the photos from my 1066 wanderings and here are a few of them! To view the full, now found, album please click on the link below;

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