Tag: Come walk with me

A birding ramble around Rye Harbour

27.10.14 Walking with; My Dad (Keith)   No visit down South to the places that still resonate as home twenty plus years after I left them is complete without a fish and chip lunch, a pint of local bitter and a wander around Rye Harbour with the old man! It’s the outdoors equivalent of a

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My newspaper column on Bleaklow

9 miles 4.5 hours Bleaklow, in the Dark Peak, the very name is redolent of menace and wildness and, indeed, it is one of the more challenging environments in the Peak District, a huge expanse of peat hags, groughs, bogs and rough moorland. When the cloud comes down, as it so often does, it’s easy

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Snowdon expedition with West Berkshire training consortium

27-29.8.14   One of the most enjoyable aspects of what we do here at Come walk with me UK is the variety in what we do. One week we might be assisting on a multi-activity week at Condover Hall, another week we are helping a team from a school with behavioural difficulties ascend Scafell Pike

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Ingleton waterfall trail

2.8.14 Walking with; Al, Kate, Jen, Paul and Ruthy     The area around the Three Peaks of Yorkshire holds fond memories for me. It was after a day on Ingleborough in the snow of Easter that I decided to propose to my wife in “The Game Cock Inn” in Austwick, the fact she said

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